While you are concentrating on your core business, such as sales and productions, you can leave all your logistic activities to us. Which all leads to satisfied customers!
We can offer you a complete package of logistic services. Whether you require simple overflow storage space or more sophisticated logistics, we can handle it all for you
RSD uses a very sophisticated Warehouse Management System (WMS), which gives you the instruments to control your product flow with usage of your own specifications. So, we use your product preferences and we stock and handle according to your product specifications.
You can check stock positions of your products yourselves by entering our password approved WMS. Inventory reporting and physical Inventory are also part of our logistic activities if you require this.
While you are concentrating on your core business, such as sales and productions, you can leave all your logistic activities to us. Which all leads to satisfied customers!
We can distribute your products to your customers by air, road or rail, so you do not have to arrange that by yourselves.
Packing, Rating, Assembling, Testing, Quality-control and Repairs are activities which can be done for you by RSD Warehousing.